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Thread: Cross match of parts for vintage airguns

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Exclamation Cross match of parts for vintage airguns

    Just a thought but to help enable the continued use of vintage/older airguns
    amongst us some of the parts for current issue modern airguns ,particuarly springs washers etc will also fit the vintage airguns with some or no modification So how about a sticky for reference purposes from fellow members who have had some success doing this ?
    I have several airguns I am working on and as I strip them for repair I will measure the length and diameter of springs,piston and bore of cylinder , if we do the same with more modern rifles and pistols it could be helpful for replacement of obselete parts ?
    Att. Mods .
    Last edited by hawkeye; 04-11-2010 at 07:02 PM. Reason: Att. Mods
    a gun is just a tool how its used is dependant on the person behind the trigger .
    This is why constant restrictions on legal users will have no effect on the unlawfull use of guns or knives !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Cambridge UK
    I think it is a great idea. Some info does creep in at times ... maybe info on springs is the most common but I have seen bits on pistons etc at times.
    I started to compile a list of mainspring sizes for a range of guns, hoping that when I needed a spring for an old gun that I could simply look up the size to find which modern gun it might be possible to use. I would willingly donate the small amount of information I have; but beware some sources quoted different spring sizes.

    Cheers, Phil
    Last edited by Phil Russell; 04-11-2010 at 03:41 PM. Reason: typo

  3. #3
    Gareth W-B's Avatar
    Gareth W-B is offline Retired Mod & Airgun Anorak Extraordinaire
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Near(ish) Chelmsford
    Hi. Think this thread could sit well as a thread in the Useful Airgun / Shooting Tips sub section as linked to at the start of the General section, so I am moving this thread to there. Feel no need to make this a sticky once moved however, as think the occasional up-dates along the lines as detailed above, will be enough to keep it current . Many thanks. Atb: G.
    Last edited by Gareth W-B; 04-11-2010 at 07:51 PM. Reason: house keeping.

    Done my bit for the BBS:… now I’m a game-keeper turned poacher.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    the briton

    I've got a 1935 the baritone and lookin for parts. any suggestions .thanks Alex

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Milbro-Diana G80

    I am looking to restore this Air Rifle but need a Trigger Guard any suggestions.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland.

    25mm, 26mm & 30mm piston head adapters

    easily googled, but for those browsing this thread, you can find adapters here which might help bring an old gun back to life

  7. #7
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    Dec 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Cymru1942 View Post
    I am looking to restore this Air Rifle but need a Trigger Guard any suggestions.
    Dural, or aircraft aluminium, easily bent over a former,and worked in the home workshop.?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I will measure the length and diameter of springs,piston and bore of cylinder , if we do the same with more modern rifles and pistols it could be helpful for replacement of obselete parts ?
    Att. Mods .
    [/B][/QUOTE]Just off the top of my head the[hw 45]airpistol spring fit the z[milbro/british diana], pre-war[diana] and [haenel] junior guns e.g modxxx,mod.22/23,[milbro G76 "perfecta"],also the [original/diana] mod .5 pistol washer fit the [asi] apache air-rifle and vice versa results a tiny diesel with the harder plastic ;the [haenel]mod.303 air-riflre washer (leather) fit the hungarian (?) [fletcha]= (rubber washer);the old time chinese side-lever mod.[em 45- a (two spare used to be shipped in box )prove perfect in the [bsa cadet] with a coupla coils cut-off.Regards .Hu hellaxe

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Northop Hall Flintshire North Wales

    cross reference

    Good idea regarding cross referencing parts I usually print off the exploded diagram off chambers site and cross ref all the parts numbers that are the same ie on weihrauchs and other brands ect
    HW 97k s/s laminated stock.Hw 98k cs500 stock,CZ 457 varmint.Tika T3x Super Varmint 223 rem. an HW95k having sneaked back in Browning 725 12g sporter, pair of 525 sporters,SX3 Red Performance

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    nr Peterborough, UK

    Theoben Rammer cocking linkage

    I came across an old (and interesting) article the other day, which mentioned the dangers of cocking a Theoben rammer with the stock off - and the likelihood that you'll break the cocking linkage.

    In the article, it mentioned that "earlier BSA Meteors" used the same linkage - looking on the Chambers diagrams, it LOOKS like the Mk5 has the same linkage - hopefully I never have to find out

    "Every normal man must be tempted at times, to spit on his hands, raise the black flag & start slitting throats"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Oslo, Norway
    Quote Originally Posted by hawkeye View Post
    Just a thought but to help enable the continued use of vintage/older airguns
    amongst us some of the parts for current issue modern airguns ,particuarly springs washers etc will also fit the vintage airguns with some or no modification So how about a sticky for reference purposes from fellow members who have had some success doing this ?
    I have several airguns I am working on and as I strip them for repair I will measure the length and diameter of springs,piston and bore of cylinder , if we do the same with more modern rifles and pistols it could be helpful for replacement of obselete parts ?
    Att. Mods .
    One of the most common parts in vintage springers are leather washers.
    Most have either 25mm-1" or 28mm cylinders, and if you are a bit creative with a lathe, washers of guns with the same diameter can be adapted between them.
    Too many airguns!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Cambridge UK
    I said 'yes' way back in 2010 (how time flies) and still think it a great idea.
    In particular, I would love a simple chart telling me which piston heads are transferable from one model to another :
    Firstly those that can be used without modification i.e. straight forward 'slip it on', and secondly those that may need modification with, if possible, details of the modification. The same could be done for breech seals.

    Why not begin compiling a list of such things? A question asked in the General or Collectables fora could give much information.

    A question I have been asked recently is regarding the Original 65 and 66 models: Are the mainsprings and the piston washers the same for these models? I think they are but it would be nice to be told so with 100% certainty.

    Cheers, Phil

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Banstead, Surrey.

    Parts for vintage airguns

    Quote Originally Posted by hawkeye View Post
    Just a thought but to help enable the continued use of vintage/older airguns
    amongst us some of the parts for current issue modern airguns ,particuarly springs washers etc will also fit the vintage airguns with some or no modification So how about a sticky for reference purposes from fellow members who have had some success doing this ?
    I have several airguns I am working on and as I strip them for repair I will measure the length and diameter of springs,piston and bore of cylinder , if we do the same with more modern rifles and pistols it could be helpful for replacement of obselete parts ?
    Att. Mods .
    I have had quite a few springs, (especially odd shaped ones) made for me by a Company called “Small Order Springs”, when talking to them they are very helpful especially if you have a sample or measurements of what you need.



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